Well, what can I say? We are in the software business and in the software business everything always takes longer than you originally thought. After the 3.0 release, I firmly believed that 3.1.0 would follow very quickly: The main features were actually already available and just needed to be polished and the plans were also rather small in other respects. And yet more than 4 months have already passed. Of course, the polishing took much longer and was more of a major clean-up and some small plans turned into completely crazy big features.

Nevertheless, we did a great job again this time, I believe – all of us together. Mike, Thomas and also – contrary to my original plans – even myself did a lot of programming again and our test department also did a great job of making us developers angry again and again, as it has to be.

We can’t complain about the translations either, with Marcia we have a great new addition to the Dutch team, which was previously handled heroically by Henrike alone. Marcia is currently concentrating extremely hard on translating our manual pages, which is a mammoth project in itself, as there are already much more than 1000 articles to translate. Welcome to the team! Thomas is tirelessly helping out on our site.

Highlights of version 3.1.0

With the Nonogram Solver, Mike has now finally delved into the depths of logic puzzles. We believe that we have created a solid solution to automatically calculate the exciting pixel images. For the input, we decided to deviate from the usual and to try the experiment of not putting everything on one page, but to build a guided input across several masks (a “wizard”, so to speak) in order to create a better overview. Feedback is welcome.

Thomas tried his hand at all kinds of check digits, as he had already described in detail in the blog. My own highlight, the rhumb lines, were also worth their own article.

I put way too much time into the UIC number tool myself, but as a self-confessed railroad nerd, I had no choice, did I? I’d be really interested to know if anyone else besides me ever uses the thing. But if any of you ever find a Mystery with UIC numbers, I’d be very happy to hear about it. But I already have an idea… Muaharharhar!!!


[new] Nonogram Solver
[new] Map: Lines as Rhumb Lines
[new] Rhumb Lines: Waypoint Projection
[new] Rhumb Lines: Distance/Bearing
[new] Battleship Code
[new] Pollux Code
[new] Morbit Code
[new] Word Search/Letter Grid
[new] UIC Tools
[new] Coord System: MapCode
[new] Morse: Gerke, Steinheil
[new] Check Digits
[new] UPC-A
[new] Roman Units
[new] Atbash: Historic
[new] Milanesian Number System
[new] Hebrew Number System
[new] Formel Solver: Reference to Formula Names
[new] IEEE754 Float Numbers
[new] Stretch/Shrink Images
[new] Numeral Words: Danish
[new] QR: Expert Options
[new] Many Symbol Tables
[chg] Binary/Hexadecimal
[fix] Coord System: Waldmeister
[fix] Wherigo Analyzer (Thanks to all)
[fix] Some Symbol Tables