It has now really taken a long time again. There are many reasons for this. Primarily, our team was directly affected by the health and world political crises of our time. Then, of course, it was summer and thus not the right time to sit in front of a computer and program tools that are…
Release Version 2.2.0
First of all, I would like to thank all users who again diligently reported error messages or provided ideas. This time many really good hints arrived our support team. Keep up this! Did you know that everyone who reports a bug for the first time gets a permanent place in our “Tester” section App? (Click…
Writing Search Strings
Over there, on Crowdin, we now have a large number of people helping us translate the app. Many thanks for that! However, as some have already noticed, the mere translation of the app’s user interface is not enough. The search still does not work in all languages. This is because the texts for the search…
Release Version 2.1.0
It is always difficult to find the best time for a release. Especially when you work in a team. Someone has always started the next really cool feature. And then the question always arises: Should we wait for it? Or the other way around: It’s only natural (and absolutely okay!) that someone from the team…
Release Version 2.0.0
It’s been half a year since the last release. That’s how long it took from the start of development to the first public release. We needed so much time because we were entering completely new territory in development and needed a lot of time for testing and trial and error. We have introduced a complete…
Waiting for Version 2.0
Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you know: We haven’t been dead yet. There hasn’t been an update for a while now, but that doesn’t mean we’re not busy working. We are still working on our completely new section “Images and Files”. We have created a great collection of tools to help solve puzzles…
Release Version 1.5.0
Oh wow, what an exhausting time! But we have managed a lot of work. When I say “we”, I actually mean least of all myself. I was able to – well, not take myself out – but very much take myself back, while Mike, Thomas and Andreas worked through a huge bunch of tasks. And…
Release Version 1.4.0
As already announced in the previous release, this time it went – at least in programming – much faster. The version 1.3.0 was more or less a small “emergency” operation to release the correction of two bugs as soon as possible. But in the background, the feature list for the actually planned update was much…
Release Version 1.3.0
Well, the 1.3.0 is out now 🙂 It is the version that has cost me the most energy so far. It came in a very turbulent time for me and additionally my two great co-developers Mike and Thomas decided to “sweeten” this time with some extremely complicated features 😀 And Andreas, our reigning picture painter…
Release Version 1.2.0: Caught up with the GCC
It is time: This release took longer than usual. This has several reasons: First, I, Mark, am back in regular employment and then, Thomas ‘TMZ’ and Mike, our two great new developers, needed the time to produce incredibly great tools after their extensive training period! But first things first, the most important news is: We…
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