When creating a script, it’s possible to make mistakes. The script helps you resolve these errors through error messages. In this overview, you will find a list of error messages and what they mean:
Error Message | English Translation | Explanation |
_SYNTAXERROR | Syntax error | A general syntax error in the script. |
_UNBALANCEDPARENTHESES | Unbalanced parentheses | There are too many or too few parentheses ‘(‘ and ‘)’ used. |
_NOEXPRESSION | No expression present | A mathematical expression is missing where it was expected. |
_DIVISIONBYZERO | Division by zero | An attempt was made to divide by zero, which is not possible. |
_EQUALEXPECTED | Equal sign expected | An ‘=’ sign is missing where it was expected. |
_NOTAVARIABLE | Not a variable | An attempt was made to assign a value to something that is not a variable. |
_LABELTABLEFULL | Label table full | There are too many labels defined in the script. |
_DUPLICATEABEL | Duplicate label | A label has been defined that already exists in the script. |
_LABELNOTDEFINED | Label not defined | A reference is made to a label that does not exist. |
_THENEXPECTED | THEN’ expected | A ‘THEN’ is missing after an ‘IF’ statement. |
_TOEXPECTED | TO’ expected | A ‘TO’ is missing in a ‘FOR’ loop. |
_NEXTWITHOUTFOR | NEXT’ without ‘FOR’ | A ‘NEXT’ statement has been used without a corresponding ‘FOR’ loop. |
_RETURNWITHOUTGOSUB | RETURN’ without ‘GOSUB’ | A ‘RETURN’ statement has been used outside of a subroutine (created with ‘GOSUB’). |
_MISSINGQUOTE | Closing quote missing | A closing quote (“) is missing at the end of a string. |
_FILENOTFOUND | File not found | The script cannot find the specified file. |
_FILEIOERROR | File I/O error | An error occurred while reading or writing to a file. |
_INPUTIOERROR | Input I/O error | An error occurred while processing input data. |
_SYNTAX_VARIABLE | Syntax error in variable | There is a syntax error in the way a variable is defined or used. |
_INPUTMISSING | Input missing | Required input is missing from an ‘INPUT’ statement. |
_INVALIDTYPECAST | Invalid type cast | An attempt was made to convert a value to an incompatible data type. |
_INVALIDSTRINGOPERATION | Invalid string operation | An invalid operation was performed on a string value. |
_UNTILWITHOUTREPEAT | UNTIL’ without ‘REPEAT’ | An ‘UNTIL’ statement has been used without a corresponding ‘REPEAT’ loop. |
_WENDWITHOUTWHILE | WEND’ without ‘WHILE’ | A ‘WEND’ statement has been used without a corresponding ‘WHILE’ loop. |
_WHILEWITHOUTWEND | WHILE’ without ‘WEND’ | A ‘WHILE’ loop has been defined without a closing ‘WEND’ statement. |
_MISSINGPARAMETER | Parameter missing | A required parameter is missing from a function call. |
_LOCATIONPERMISSIONDENIED | Location permission denied | The app does not have permission to use the location. |
_DATAOUTOFRANGE | Data out of range | The value falls outside the allowed range for the data type. |
_INVALIDSCREEN | Invalid screen | The specified screen number is invalid. |
_INFINITELOOP | Infinite loop | The script contains an infinite loop that gets stuck. |
_INVALIDLATITUDE | Invalid latitude | The specified latitude is invalid. |
_INVALIDLONGITUDE | Invalid longitude | The specified longitude is invalid. |
_RANGEERROR | Range error | The value falls outside the allowed range. |
_INVALIDBASETYPE | Invalid base type | The specified base type is invalid. |
_INVALIDHASHTYPE | Invalid hash type | The specified hash type is invalid. |
_INVALIDHASHBITRATE | Invalid hash bitrate | The specified hash bitrate is invalid. |
_MISSINGENDIF | Missing ‘ENDIF’ | A missing ‘ENDIF’ statement to close an ‘IF’ statement. |
_SWITCHWITHOUTEND | Missing ‘ENDSWITCH’ | A missing ‘ENDSWITCH’ statement to close a ‘SWITCH’ statement. |
_REPEATWITHOUTUNTIL | Missing ‘UNTIL’ | A missing ‘UNTIL’ statement to close a ‘REPEAT’ loop. |
_FORWITHOUTNEXT | Missing ‘NEXT’ | A missing ‘NEXT’ statement to close a ‘FOR’ loop. |
_INVALIDCOORDINATEFORMAT | Invalid coordinate format | The specified coordinate format is invalid. |
_LISTNOTDEFINED | List not defined | The used list is not defined in the script. |
_INVALIDNUMBEROFPARAMETER | Invalid number of parameters | The number of parameters in the function call is incorrect. |
_RUNTIMEERROREOFEXCEEDED | Runtime error: EOF exceeded | The script has exceeded the maximum number of allowed lines. |
_IOERRORFILENOTOPEN | I/O error: File not open | An error occurred while opening a file. |
_FILEMISSING | File missing | The script cannot find the specified file. |
_FILESAVING | File saving error | An error occurred while saving a file. |
_INVALIDTARGETVALUE | Invalid target value | The specified target value in a ‘FOR’ loop is invalid. |