05 Error Messages

When creating a script, it’s possible to make mistakes. The script helps you resolve these errors through error messages. In this overview, you will find a list of error messages and what they mean:

Error MessageEnglish TranslationExplanation
_SYNTAXERRORSyntax errorA general syntax error in the script.
_UNBALANCEDPARENTHESESUnbalanced parenthesesThere are too many or too few parentheses ‘(‘ and ‘)’ used.
_NOEXPRESSIONNo expression presentA mathematical expression is missing where it was expected.
_DIVISIONBYZERODivision by zeroAn attempt was made to divide by zero, which is not possible.
_EQUALEXPECTEDEqual sign expectedAn ‘=’ sign is missing where it was expected.
_NOTAVARIABLENot a variableAn attempt was made to assign a value to something that is not a variable.
_LABELTABLEFULLLabel table fullThere are too many labels defined in the script.
_DUPLICATEABELDuplicate labelA label has been defined that already exists in the script.
_LABELNOTDEFINEDLabel not definedA reference is made to a label that does not exist.
_THENEXPECTEDTHEN’ expectedA ‘THEN’ is missing after an ‘IF’ statement.
_TOEXPECTEDTO’ expectedA ‘TO’ is missing in a ‘FOR’ loop.
_NEXTWITHOUTFORNEXT’ without ‘FOR’A ‘NEXT’ statement has been used without a corresponding ‘FOR’ loop.
_RETURNWITHOUTGOSUBRETURN’ without ‘GOSUB’A ‘RETURN’ statement has been used outside of a subroutine (created with ‘GOSUB’).
_MISSINGQUOTEClosing quote missingA closing quote (“) is missing at the end of a string.
_FILENOTFOUNDFile not foundThe script cannot find the specified file.
_FILEIOERRORFile I/O errorAn error occurred while reading or writing to a file.
_INPUTIOERRORInput I/O errorAn error occurred while processing input data.
_SYNTAX_VARIABLESyntax error in variableThere is a syntax error in the way a variable is defined or used.
_INPUTMISSINGInput missingRequired input is missing from an ‘INPUT’ statement.
_INVALIDTYPECASTInvalid type castAn attempt was made to convert a value to an incompatible data type.
_INVALIDSTRINGOPERATIONInvalid string operationAn invalid operation was performed on a string value.
_UNTILWITHOUTREPEATUNTIL’ without ‘REPEAT’An ‘UNTIL’ statement has been used without a corresponding ‘REPEAT’ loop.
_WENDWITHOUTWHILEWEND’ without ‘WHILE’A ‘WEND’ statement has been used without a corresponding ‘WHILE’ loop.
_WHILEWITHOUTWENDWHILE’ without ‘WEND’A ‘WHILE’ loop has been defined without a closing ‘WEND’ statement.
_MISSINGPARAMETERParameter missingA required parameter is missing from a function call.
_LOCATIONPERMISSIONDENIEDLocation permission deniedThe app does not have permission to use the location.
_DATAOUTOFRANGEData out of rangeThe value falls outside the allowed range for the data type.
_INVALIDSCREENInvalid screenThe specified screen number is invalid.
_INFINITELOOPInfinite loopThe script contains an infinite loop that gets stuck.
_INVALIDLATITUDEInvalid latitudeThe specified latitude is invalid.
_INVALIDLONGITUDEInvalid longitudeThe specified longitude is invalid.
_RANGEERRORRange errorThe value falls outside the allowed range.
_INVALIDBASETYPEInvalid base typeThe specified base type is invalid.
_INVALIDHASHTYPEInvalid hash typeThe specified hash type is invalid.
_INVALIDHASHBITRATEInvalid hash bitrateThe specified hash bitrate is invalid.
_MISSINGENDIFMissing ‘ENDIF’A missing ‘ENDIF’ statement to close an ‘IF’ statement.
_SWITCHWITHOUTENDMissing ‘ENDSWITCH’A missing ‘ENDSWITCH’ statement to close a ‘SWITCH’ statement.
_REPEATWITHOUTUNTILMissing ‘UNTIL’A missing ‘UNTIL’ statement to close a ‘REPEAT’ loop.
_FORWITHOUTNEXTMissing ‘NEXT’A missing ‘NEXT’ statement to close a ‘FOR’ loop.
_INVALIDCOORDINATEFORMATInvalid coordinate formatThe specified coordinate format is invalid.
_LISTNOTDEFINEDList not definedThe used list is not defined in the script.
_INVALIDNUMBEROFPARAMETERInvalid number of parametersThe number of parameters in the function call is incorrect.
_RUNTIMEERROREOFEXCEEDEDRuntime error: EOF exceededThe script has exceeded the maximum number of allowed lines.
_IOERRORFILENOTOPENI/O error: File not openAn error occurred while opening a file.
_FILEMISSINGFile missingThe script cannot find the specified file.
_FILESAVINGFile saving errorAn error occurred while saving a file.
_INVALIDTARGETVALUEInvalid target valueThe specified target value in a ‘FOR’ loop is invalid.
An overview of error messages in GC Wizard Script.