What is Judoon?

List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens – Wikipedia

The Judoon belong to the world of the British TV series “Doctor Who”. They are a humanoid species of unknown origin. Their appearance resembles that of a rhinoceros. The Judoon are neither friend nor foe, but the executive body of the intergalactic police force, the Shadow Proclamation. Their demeanour is extremely brutal and bureaucratic. In order to catch lawbreakers, they do not shy away from killing innocent bystanders.

Judoon Language


The Judoon speak/translate by splitting words into individual letters and then adding an “o” to all the letters. All Judoon word syllables begin with a consonant, but this does not work with vowels.

The Judoon replace the vowels with the consonant closest to the vowel in the alphabet and then add a “C”, “L” or an “R” etc. to make a double. For example, our vowels… A E I O U, become… BLO FLO KRO PLO TRO …in Judoon