GC Wizard script knows the following mathematical functions
- ABS – Calculates the absolute value of a number
- ACOS – Calculates the arc cosine of a number; calculated in radians
- ASIN – Calculates the arc sine of a number; calculated in radians
- ATAN – Calculates the arc tangent of a number; calculated in radians
- BINARYTOFLOAT – Converts a binary number into an IEEE 754 floating point number
- CARTHESIAN – converts a complex number in polar form into Cartesian form
- CEIL – Calculates the next larger integer to the entered number
- CONVERTBASE – Converts a number into different number systems
- COS – Calculates the cosine of a number; calculated in radians
- CSUM, QSUM, – Calculates the cross sum of a number
- DEG – Converts radians to degrees
- DIV – Calculates the integer part of a division
- DIVISORS – Calculates the divisors of a number
- EXP – Calculates the exponent of a number to the base e
- FAC – Calculates the factorial of a number
- FLOATTOBINARY – Converts a IEEE Floating point number into a binary number
- FLOOR – Calculates the next smaller integer to the entered number
- FRAC – Calculates the decimal part of a number
- GCD, GGT – Calculates the greatest common divisor of two numbers
- ICSUM, IQSUM – Calculates the iterated sum of digits of a number
- ISPRIME – Checks whether a number is a prime number
- ISSQR – Checks whether a number is a square number
- LCM, KGV – Calculates the least common multiple of two numbers
- LN – Calculates the natural logarithm of a number
- LOG – Calculates the logarithm of a number to the base 10
- MOD – Calculates the integer remainder of a division
- POLAR – Converts a complex number in Cartesian form into polar form
- POW – Exponentiates the basis by the exponent
- RAD – Converts degrees to radians
- RND – Displays a random number
- ROUND – Rounds a number to x digits
- SGN – Calculates the sign of a number
- SIN – Calculates the sine of a number; calculated in radians
- SQR – Calculates the square of a number
- SQRT – Calculates the square root of a number
- SUM – calculates the sum of a list of numbers
- TAN – Calculates the tangent of a number; calculated in radians
- TRUNC – Calculates the integer part of a decimal number