00 What is Morbit?

Morbit.pdf (cryptogram.org)

The Morbit code is a variant of the Morse code that performs a polygramic substitution in addition to Morse coding.

The Morbit code uses a numeric index (from 1 to 9) that is linked to Morse character pairs consisting of a dot, dash or space. This index is created using a keyword. The keyword should be 9 letters long.

Example: The keyword “WISECRACK” produces the index 958427136 by sorting the letters alphabetically and assigning them to the numbers 1234567879.

WISECRACK -> ACCEIKRSW <=> 123456789

The Morse code pairs are then assigned to the digits.


The first step in encryption is to encode the original message in Morse code. The characters are separated by a “x” and words are separated by double “xx”.

Example: The message “MORE BITS” is represented in Morse code as “-x--x.-.x.xx-...x...x-x...”.

In the second part of the encoding, the Morse characters are divided into pairs of 2 characters and linked with the corresponding index value.

Example: “-x -- x. -. x. xx -. .. x. .. x- x. ..” corresponds to the numbers 7 2 1 4 1 9 1 9 3 9.

The encrypted result is therefore “7214191939”.