What does the Randomizer do?

The Randomizer tool offers a set of random generators:

Coin Flipper – a random generator for coin flips.

You have to define the nomber of throws and GC Wizard provides the list of throws and summ of head and tail.

Dice Thrower – a random generator for dice throws for common dice sizes.

You have to define the number of throws and dice size – 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20 sides – and GC Wizards provided the list of throws with additional information like sum, cross sum, avarage, etc.

Card Drawer – a random generator for drawing cards from a card deck.

After selecting a deck – 32, 52 or 110 cards – ad shuffle it you have to decide how many cards will be drawn.

Rock, Paper, Scissors – the classic 2-person duel – also known as Schnick Schnack Schnuck.

After selecting the version – standard (paper, rock, scissors) or Big Bang Theory (paper, rock, scissors, lizard, spock) – and the number of rounds, the results are displayed.

Password Generator – a tool for creating random passwords.

After setting the parameters like length, upper case letters, lower case letter, numbers and special characters the passwords are created.

Integer Numbers – a tool for creating random integer numbers.

After setting the parameters like number of integers to be created, minimum and maximum the integers are created.

Additionally you get statistic data like sum, cross sum, iterated cross sum, avarage, digital root etc.

Decimal Numbers – a tool for creating random floating point numbers.

After setting the parameters like number of decimals to be created, minimum and maximum the decimals are created.

Additionally you get statistic data like sum and avarage.

Letters – a tool for creating random letters.

After setting the parameters like number and kind of letters to be created – alphabet, cases – the letters are created.

Additionally you get statistic data like word value and calculations on word value.

Coordinates – a tool for creating random coordinates.

You can create random coordinates within a rectangle defined by two corners or in a circle with a given radius.

The coordinates can be viewd on a map or added to a global map.

Colors – a tool for creating random colors.

This tool creates a random color and shows the color code in different formats.

Additionally you can open the Color tool.

List Elements – a tool for creating lists filled with random elements.

After creating a list with custom elements this tools draws a random element, shuffle or group the list.

  • add an element
  • edit an element
  • delete an element

Random Elements draws the given number of elements from the chosen list.

Shuffle List shuffles the chosen list.

Group List generates a given number of groups with a random number of lements from the chosen list.