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Found 648 results for: gcw script
02 What are Cistercian numbers?
...tens and ones. This can be used to generate number signs for numbers from 0 to 9999. GCWizard supports manual encoding and decoding.
Cistercian Numbers336 May 06, 2021 -
01 What functions are provided by Cistercian Numbers?
This submenu provides functions for decoding and ancoding Cistercian Numbers.
Cistercian Numbers117 May 06, 2021 -
01 What functions are provided by Mayan Numbers?
This submenu provides functions for decoding and encoding Maya Numbers.
Maya84 May 06, 2021 -
01 What are Roman Numbers?
...numerals are the numerical signs of a numerical script that originated in Roman antiquity and is still in use today for numbers and special purposes. In the form used today, the Latin letters I, V, X, L, C, D, and M are used as number signs for writing the natural...
Roman Numbers54 May 04, 2021 -
01 What does the function “Reverse” do?
The entered text is automatically output backwards. The upper and lower case is respected.
Reverse43 May 04, 2021 -
03 What does the function “Numeral Words: Overview” do?
The function lists the most important number words for the selected language as an overview. 01234567891011121314151617181920304050607080901001000
Numeral Words35 May 02, 2021 -
02 What does the function “Number words: Text search” do ?
The text is automatically searched for number words of the selected language as you type. The search will be done using entire words or parts of words.
Numeral Words34 May 02, 2021 -
14 Can Hashes be “decrypted”?
Basically no because Hashes are One-Way-Functions. However, with the help of pre-calculated tables or with brute force like our Hash-Search it is possible to try to find a valid text which generates the respective hash.
Hashes40 May 02, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard calculate a Gade?
...on the route are entered one after the other. GCWizard breaks these down into the individual digits and sorts them in ascending order . Individual digits can occur more than once in the series.Then the missing digits are added.If there are more or less elements in the Gade, there are...
Gade352 May 02, 2021 -
02 How do you use Enclosed Areas?
The entered text is immediately analyzed and converted into digits word by word. With regard to the digit 4, it is possible to select whether the corresponding character has an open or closed area.
Enclosed Areas66 May 02, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using the Burrows-Wheeler Transformation?
The entered text is automatically encrypted or decrypted. GC Wizard offers two options for creating the index: The index is automatically generated as a number.The index is stored as a special character in the text at the corresponding position.
Burrows-Wheeler Transformation36 May 02, 2021 -
01 What are Language games? Language games are simple transformations of words, syllables or letters. Usually parts of a word are replaced or exchanged according to a fixed scheme. GC Wizard knows the following game and fun languages: Chicken languageSpoon languagePig...
Language games55 May 01, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encode or decode using the Spoon Language?
Depending on the mode, the text is immediately analyzed during input and decrypted or encrypted accordingly.
Spoon Language100 May 01, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encode or decode using the Robber Language?
Depending on the mode, the text is immediately analyzed during input and decrypted or encrypted accordingly.
Robber Language60 May 01, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encode or decode using Pig Latin?
Depending on the mode, the text is immediately analyzed during input and decrypted or encrypted accordingly.
Pig Latin64 May 01, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encode or decode using Chicken Language?
Depending on the mode, the text is immediately analyzed during input and decrypted or encrypted accordingly.
Chicken Language167 May 01, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard interpret a Whitespace program?
After the whitespace program - readable or original - has been entered, pressing the start button executes the program. In addition, a readable version of the code with the characters s, l and t is sent to the output.
Whitespace47 May 01, 2021 -
03 How does GC Wizard generate a Whitespace program?
After the text to be output has been entered, pressing the Start button generates the corresponding whitespace program. In addition, a readable version with the characters s (space), l (linefeed) and t (tab) is output. With the buttons next to the output you can copy the output directly to...
Whitespace27 May 01, 2021 -
03 How does GC-Wizard generate an Ook!-Program?
The Ook! program is generated as output as soon as you entered your plain text.
Ook43 May 01, 2021 -
02 How does GC-Wizard interpret an Ook!-Program?
As soon as the Ook! program is entered, GC Wizard begins executing it. If input is required, execution stops. Input is made in the "Input" field. The result is displayed in the "Output" section.
Ook59 May 01, 2021
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