Knowledge Base
Found 651 results for: gcw script
03 How does GC Wizard generate a Whitespace program?
After the text to be output has been entered, pressing the Start button generates the corresponding whitespace program. In addition, a readable version with the characters s (space), l (linefeed) and t (tab) is output. With the buttons next to the output you can copy the output directly to...
Whitespace28 May 01, 2021 -
03 How does GC-Wizard generate an Ook!-Program?
The Ook! program is generated as output as soon as you entered your plain text.
Ook46 May 01, 2021 -
02 How does GC-Wizard interpret an Ook!-Program?
As soon as the Ook! program is entered, GC Wizard begins executing it. If input is required, execution stops. Input is made in the "Input" field. The result is displayed in the "Output" section.
Ook64 May 01, 2021 -
02 How does the GC Wizard interpret a Malbolge program?
The execution of a Malbolge program takes place in the "Interpreter" mode. With the switch "Strict" can be selected whether strictly after the language specification the program is interpreted, or not. Unfortunately, there are Malbolge generators on the Internet that don't meet the specification...
Malbolge64 May 01, 2021 -
03 How does the GC Wizard generate a Malbolge program?
InputAlready with the input of the text to be output the generation of the Malbolge program begins. OutputThe Malbolge program is output in two versions: In the output field the known form consisting of the ASCII characters In the normalized field only from the command characters io*p>v
Malbolge929 May 01, 2021 -
03 How does GC Wizard generates a Deadfish program?
The text to be output is automatically translated into a Deadfish program. Mode selects either the Deadfish standard or the XKCD variant.
Deadfish42 May 01, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard interprets a Deadfish program?
The entered program will be executed automatically. Mode selects either the Deadfish standard or the XKCD variant.
Deadfish90 May 01, 2021 -
03 How does the GC Wizard generate a Cow program?
With the input of the text to be output, the generation of the Cow program is started automatically.
Cow33 May 01, 2021 -
02 How does the GC Wizard interpret a Cow program?
The Cow program entered is executed directly and the corresponding text is sent to the output. If an input is required, the digits and characters have to be entered into the "Input" field.
Cow45 May 01, 2021 -
03 How does the GC Wizard generate a Chef-Program?
LanguageSelection of whether the chef program should be written in German or English. ModeSelection of whether a chef program has to be interpreted or generated. OutputInput field for the text the chef program should output. TitleInput field for the title of the recipe. CommentInput...
Chef78 May 01, 2021 -
02 How does the GC Wizard interpret a Chef Program?
LanguageSelection of whether the chef programme was written in German or English. ModeSelection that the chef program should be interpreted. Programme codeInput field for entering the program to be executed. Refrigerator (inputs)Input field for required program inputs OutputOutput of...
Chef163 May 01, 2021 -
02 What calculations take place at sunrise/sunset?
The following information is required for entry: LocationDateTime zone The output will then show: Astronomical dawnNautical dawnCivil dawnRiseTransit/CulminationSettingCivil twilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
Astronomy42 April 30, 2021 -
03 How does the GC Wizard generate a Brainf**k program?
...PuffGermanK-on FuckMorsefuckNakOmamPenisScriptPikalangReverseFuckRevolution 9RoadrunnerScremcodeTernaryTripletUwUZZZ
Brainf** and trivial Substitutions81 April 29, 2021 -
02 How does the GC Wizard interpret a Brainf**k program?
...PuffGermanK-on FuckMorsefuckNakOmamPenisScriptPikalangReverseFuckRevolution 9RoadrunnerScremcodeTernaryTripletUwUZZZ
Brainf** and trivial Substitutions87 April 29, 2021 -
03 How does the GC Wizard generate a Beatnik-Program?
Scrabble setSelection list for the Scrabble set, which is the basis for the Beatnik program. ModeSelection whether a beatnik program is to be interpreted or generated. OutputInput field for the result that the generated beatnik program should produce. OutputOutput field for the generated...
Beatnik29 April 28, 2021 -
02 How does the GC Wizard interpret a Beatnik-Program?
Scrabble setSelection list for the Scrabble set, which is the basis for the Beatnik program. ModeSelection whether a beatnik program is to be interpreted or generated. Source codeInput field for the beatnik program to be executed InputInput field for inputs that the beatnik program...
Beatnik51 April 28, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using Kenny’s Code?
Depending on the mode, the text is immediately analyzed during input and decrypted or encrypted accordingly. As additional options: the key can be adapted. For example, it is possible to disguise Kenny's code as Abaddon or Morse.the consideration of lower and upper case can be enforced.
Kenny's Code238 April 28, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encode and decode using the Gray Code?
After selecting the input mode DecimalBinary the output is automatically both decimal and binary when entering the numbers.
Gray Code68 April 28, 2021 -
03 How does the GC Wizard encode and decode using BCD encodings?
After selecting the respective tool, the entered decimal number is immediately encoded or the entered binary number is decoded. If the binary number is unknown, a space is output.
BCD Code45 April 25, 2021 -
02 What is the Base16 encoding? Base16 describes a method in which binary data is converted into a string consisting of only 16 different ASCII characters. Each byte (i.e. 8 bits) is divided into two 4-bit groups. Each of these groups corresponds to a number between 0 and 15....
Base Code99 April 25, 2021
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