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Found 651 results for: gcw script
02 How are the values calculated?
The following two fields are available for input: Letters according to the selected alphabetAlphabet from which the values are to be taken The following values are then listed in the output: Numerical values of the lettersNumber of characters of the AlphabetNumber of single lettersNumber...
Scrabble37 March 04, 2021 -
04 How does the weekday calculator work?
For the weekday calculation only the desired date is entered and for the output the corresponding weekday appears directly.
Date and Time functions23 March 04, 2021 -
03 How does the time calculator work?
The time calculator adds or subtracts days, hours, minutes and seconds to or from a date. The following fields are available for input: Start time in days, hours, minutes and seconds.End time in days, hours, minutes and seconds.Calculation type - addition or subtraction The output will...
Date and Time functions24 March 04, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encode and decode using the Decabit Code?
When decrypting, the decabit code is entered and the key for decoding is included. The plain text then appears. For encoding, the plaintext is entered above and the key for encoding the pulses and pauses is also entered. The decabit code then appears in the output.
Decabit442 March 04, 2021 -
01 What are the functions of DNA/mRNA?
The function package "DNA/mRNA" encodes texts DNA/mRNA sequences as well as amino acids and outputs an overview of the amino acids. Nucleic acid sequenceAmonic acid symbolsAmino acid overview
DNA/mRNA98 March 04, 2021 -
04 How can I display the Amino acid overview?
In the overview the different amino acids are shown and can be copied to the clipboard. Since there are only 20 amino acids to choose from, the letters are missing: BJOUXZ
DNA/mRNA47 March 04, 2021 -
03 How can I decode/encode Amino acid Symbols?
When decrypting, the cipher text is entered. The plain text then appears. For encryption, the plain text is entered above. The cipher text appears in the output. Since there are only 20 amino acids to choose from, the following letters are missing: BJOUXZ
DNA/mRNA75 March 04, 2021 -
02 How can I decode/encode a nucleotide sequence?
When decoding, the cipher text is entered and the code to be used: DNA(ACGT) or mRNA(ACGU) is selected for decoding. The plaintext then appears. For encryption, the plaintext is entered above and the code to be used: DNA(ACGT) or mRNA(ACGU) is selected for encoding. The cipher text then appears...
DNA/mRNA449 March 04, 2021 -
01 How can I convert different color spaces?
In the "Colors" area, the 3 sliders Hue, Saturation and Brightness can be used to set the desired color. It is also possible to define an "input color" by selecting the color space and filling the corresponding input fields. By selecting the output color space, the desired color can be...
Colors210 March 04, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard calculates the Windchill?
InputTemperature in degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit Wind speed in m/s or km/h OutputThe output is the windchill temperature felt.
Windchill27 March 04, 2021 -
01 What is Windchill? Wind chill describes the difference between the measured air temperature and the perceived temperature as a function of wind speed. Wind chill is defined for temperatures below 10 °C. Purple fields have the potential to cause frostbite...
Windchill72 March 04, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard calculates the Summer Simmer Index?
InputTemperature in degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit Humidity in percent OutputThe output is completed with notes on accuracy and meaning.
Summer Simmer Index117 March 04, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard calculates the Humidex?
InputTemperature in degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit Humidity in percent or dew point OutputThe output is completed with notes on accuracy and meaning. IMPORTANT:Humidex acquires its meaning for air temperatures above about 20 to 25 °C. For air temperatures below about 10 °C, instead...
Humidex32 March 04, 2021 -
01 What is the Humidex? Humidex - an abbreviation for Humidity Index - refers to the perceived temperature based on the measured air temperature and relative humidity or dew point. Humidex is a value used by Canadian metereologists to describe the influence of measured air...
Humidex235 March 04, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard calculates the Heat Index?
InputTemperature in degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit Humidity in percent OutputThe output is completed with notes on accuracy and meaning.
Heat Index39 March 04, 2021 -
01 What is the Heat Index? The Heat index refers to the perceived temperature based on the measured air temperature and relative humidity. The heat index is a value used by US meteorologists to describe the influence of the measured air temperature and humidity on the human...
Heat Index224 March 04, 2021 -
01 Which functions are available in the combinatorics section?
The function package "Combinatorics" provides functions for combining and permuting strings. Combination lists all subsets of the entered stringPermutation returns all possible arrangements of the entered stringPermuted combinations lists all subgroups and their respective possible...
Combinatorics31 March 04, 2021 -
04 What is listed in the permuted combinations function?
Permuted combinations lists all subgroups and their respective possible arrangements of the entered string. The character string may be a maximum of 6 characters long. The display of duplicates is deactivated in the default setting, but can be activated if required.
Combinatorics18 March 04, 2021 -
03 What is listed in the Permutation function?
Permutation returns all possible arrangements of the entered string. For this purpose, the string may be a maximum of 7 characters long.
Combinatorics32 March 04, 2021 -
02 What is listed in the Combination function?
Combination lists all subgroups of the entered string. The character string may be up to 12 characters long for this purpose.
Combinatorics20 March 04, 2021
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