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Found 651 results for: gcw script
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using the Chao Cipher?
Input Mode whether to encrypt or decryptPlaintext or ciphertextAlphabets for plaintext as well as ciphertext; the sorting of the alphabets can be chosen from- A-Z- Z-A- self-defined Output The ciphertext or plaintext - depending on the mode.
Chao Cipher114 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using a Cipher disk?
The entered text is automatically encrypted into numbers according to the key or decrypted from the numbers and output. The key is set by assigning a letter to a number.
Cipher Disk58 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using the Enigma?
GC Wizard with its setting options reproduces all the models known in World War 2. The following can be set Number of rollersRing position of the rollersEntry rollerReverse rollerWiring of the plug board The output is done automatically with the input. In addition, the current roll...
Enigma150 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using the Railfence Cipher?
The text will be automatically decrypted or encrypted according to the entered parameters: Key: number of linesOptional password: order of linesOffset: starting point
Railfence Cipher58 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypto using the Kamasutra Cipher?
The entered text is automatically decrypted or encrypted based on the alphabet. There are two options for the key alphabet: A-Z as defaultself-defined alphabet
Kamasutra160 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using the Homophone Cipher?
The entered text is automatically decrypted or encrypted with the key. In addition, the key used is output with its frequency distribution. The key - 100 numbers between 0 and 99 - can either be generated with the two parameters rotation and multiplier or entered user-defined.
Homophone Cipher192 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using the Mexican Army Cipher Wheel?
The entered text is automatically decrypted or encrypted according to the key setting. The key is set by assigning the four letters to a corresponding number.
Mexican Army Cipher Wheel183 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using an One-Time Pad?
The entered text is automatically decoded or encrypted according to the existing text. As a further parameter, the letter to be encrypted can be additionally shifted with an offset A.
One-Time Pad81 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using the Polybios Square?
The entered text is automatically decrypted or encrypted using the entered key and alphabet including the modification. Alphabet You can choose between A - ZZ - ASelf-defined Modification One of the following can be selected J by IC by KW by VV The output contains the decoded...
Polybios Square243 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard enrypt or decrypt using RC4?
The entered text is automatically decrypted or encrypted with the key. The following formats are available TextBinary numbersHexadecimal numbersASCII valuesAutomatic recognition
RC4 Encyrption48 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using a Scytale?
The entered text is automatically decoded or encrypted. The parameters of the Skytale are Perimeter: number of characters per windingColumns: Number of windingsStrip width: number of characters next to each other
Scytale122 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using the Solitaire Cipher?
The entered text is automatically decrypted or encrypted according to the key. Additionally, the generated key stream as well as the resulting sequence of the card game is calculated.
Solitaire Cipher194 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using the TAPIR Substitution?
The entered text is automatically decrypted or encrypted and output. Optionally, a one-time pad key can be used. This consists of 5-digit groups.
Tapir Substitution Cipher237 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encode or decode using TomTom Code?
The entered text is encrypted with the selected key symbols. These can be changed.
TomTom Code401 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using the Gronsfeld Cipher?
The entered text is automatically decrypted or encrypted according to the entered key. There are two further options for the key Autokey: xxxOffset A: xxx
Gronsfeld Cipher233 February 18, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using the Trithemius Cipher?
The entered text is automatically decrypted or encrypted with the Tabula Recta of Trithemius and output. As a variation, an offset can be specified for the key, which is xxx
Trithemius Cipher112 February 18, 2021 -
04 How does GC Wizard supports to break a Vigenère Cipher?
After entering the cipher text, assumptions must be made about the key with regard to the length and the alphabet. The presumed plaintext with the corresponding keyword is output. The chances of success vary with the length of the cipher text and the length of the keyword. Several attempts...
Vigenère Cipher74 February 17, 2021 -
02 How does GC Wizard encrypt or decrypt using the Vigenère Cipher?
The following parameters can be used to control decryption or encryption: KeyAIgnore Non-LettersAutokey
Vigenère Cipher38 February 17, 2021 -
01 What is the Straddling Checkerboard?
Straddling checkerboard - Wikipedia The straddling checkerboard cipher was originally invented by the Argenti, the Pope's secretaries, in the 16th century. It was later also used by the Communists in the Spanish Civil War and by Soviet spies in WW2. Another example is Che Guevara. When he was...
Straddling Checkerboard439 February 17, 2021 -
01 What is the TAPIR Substitution Cipher?
STASI Vernam Cipher Table “TAPIR” | RGP Communications Security ( TAPIR is the name of a substitution table that was used in the National People's Army as well as the Ministry of State Security of the German Democratic Republic. The resulting numbers were then re-encoded...
Tapir Substitution Cipher733 February 17, 2021
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