Perhaps the most desired feature – and the one we have most vehemently rejected – is the support of umlauts in the letter values. Why were ÄÖÜß not included so far? 1. it is not defined how ÄÖß is encoded. We know 3-4 possibilities of interpretation alone. This was also shown again in the countless…
Test Release 0.8.0
Well, a lot has happened lately. I think we could write another really nice, long text again, don’t you? 🙂 I’m happy to say that version 0.8.0 is finally on its way! All registered Android alpha testers can already download it from the PlayStore, the iOS testers should receive their version later today. All other…
Test Release 0.7.1
Hello everybody! This week the test version 0.7.1 has been released. And what can I say? For me personally, this is the first version of #GCWizard that I really love. For the first time the app feels really round. Yes, compared to GCC, it still lacks a few features, but we think that it is…
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