What are Alphabet/letter values?
The Alphabet/letter value or the Alphabet/letter word value refers to a conversion of letters and words into numbers. Each letter is assigned its position in the alphabet. The word value is the sum of the letter values.
GC Wizard bases the calculation of letter word values on the following alphabets:
- Standard alphabet: A – Z -> 1 – 26
- German, version 1: Ä Ö Ü ß -> 27 – 30
- German, version 2: Ä = AE -> 1, 5 | ß = SS -> 19, 19
- German, version 3: Ä = Ä = AE -> 1 + 5 = 6 | ß = SS -> 19 + 19 = 38
- English: Incl. ï = I -> 9
- French, version 1: À = A -> 1 | Æ = AE -> 1, 5
- French, version 2: À = A -> 1 | Æ = AE -> 1 + 5 = 6
- Polish: 32 characters: A -> 1 … ż -> 32
- Spanish, version 1: 29 characters: CH -> 4 | LL -> 14 | Ñ -> 17
- Spanish, version 2: 27 characters: Ñ -> 15
- Greek, 24 characters: A -> 1 … Ω -> 24
- Russian, 33 characters: A -> 1 … Я -> 33
Standard Decryption
When letter values are entered, they are converted to letters according to the selected alphabet. Unassigned numbers appear as <?>.
In addition, various calculations are performed on the letter values (see below).

Standard Encryption
When the letters are entered, they are converted into letter values according to the selected alphabet. Characters that are not assigned (e.g. spaces) appear as <?>.
In addition, various calculations are performed on the letter values (see below).

Calculations for letter values
Regardless of the mode, the following information is available for the calculation:
Common Calculations:
- Sum (Word Value)
- Cross Sum (CS)
- CS iterated (Digital Root)
Additional Calculations:
- Count Alphabet Characters
- Count Single Letters
- Count SIngle Digits
- Sum alternated (backward)
- Sum alternated (forward)
- CS alter. (backw.) of Sum
- CS alter. (forw,) of Sum
- CS of all digits
- Digital root of all digits
- CS digits alternated (backward)
- CS digits alternated (forward)
- Product
- Product alternated
- CS of Product
- Digital Root of Product
- CS alter. (backw.) of Product
- CS alter. (forw.) of Product
- Cross Product
- Cross Product iterated
- Cross Product alternated

Adapt Simple
Use the pencil icon on the right to enter edit mode.
In simple mode, you can enter an offset for the selected alphabet, or reverse the order (Z-A->1-26).

Adapt Expert
Use the pencil icon on the right-hand side to enter edit mode. If you have already made changes in simple mode, these will directly affect the template in expert mode.
In expert mode, you can assign a number to each individual letter/character or group of letters (e.g. CH). Here, each character can only be used once, but values can be used several times. When decoding, the first character in the list is then assigned.
It is also possible to save your customised alphabet and use it again in the future.

– Add
You can use the “Add” button to insert additional characters into the list with the corresponding value.
“Add & Adjust” inserts new characters and increases the value of the characters following them accordingly.

– Delete
When deleting via the minus next to the respective entry, there are also two options, as with inserting. The decision is made in the query that opens. When deleting, the pair is only removed from the list. With “Delete & Adjust”, the subsequent values are adjusted by -1.