The function lists various physical constants with their symbol and value as well as unit symbol and, if applicable, uncertainty.
Currently GC Wizard knows the following physical constants:
- Atomic mass
- Avogadro constant
- Boltzmann constant
- Cs-133 resonance frequency
- Electron mass
- Electron volt
- Elementary charge
- Faraday constant
- Fine structure constant
- Gravitational acceleration
- Josephson constant
- Conductance quantum
- Speed of light (vacuum)
- Magnetic permeability (vacuum)
- Magnetic flux quantum
- Molar gas constant
- Newton’s gravitational constant
- Permittivity, Dielectric Conductivity
- Photometric Radiation Equivalent
- Planck’s quantum of action
- Proton-electron mass ratio
- Proton mass
- reduced Planck’s quantum of action
- Reference atmospheric pressure
- Reference pressure
- Rydberg constant
- Stefan-Boltzmann constant
- Von Klitzing constant