Unique Formula Identifier – Wikipedia
The Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) or unique formulation identifier is a 16-digit alphanumeric code that will be required on labels of products containing a hazardous mixture beginning in 2025.
The UFI encodes the company’s sales tax number or its own company number and a formulation number from 0 to 268,435,455 (2^28-1). This is to ensure that the UFI is used only once in the economic area. Example of the indication of a UFI on the label: UFI: R3NN-3KVT-2XSG-W43J.
In addition to indicating the UFI on their labels, companies must also provide information about their mixture and associated products to poison information centers. The information includes details such as trade name, composition, color, packaging, product category and toxicological information. The submission is done electronically only using the PCN (Poison Center Notification). The goal of the UFI is to establish a clear link between the information provided to the poison center and the product being marketed.
The condition for assigning a UFI is that all products labeled and reported with the same UFI must have the same compound composition.
The UFI and other information provided by companies are used by poison information centers in the event of an emergency call. The UFI can be read directly from a product’s label and provided to a poison control center worker or employee in addition to the trade name to accurately identify the product involved in an incident. This should allow for better and more appropriate medical care and a reduction in unnecessary overtreatment, which is often given just to be safe.