Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language designed by the Swiss Urban Müller in 1993. The language is also known as Brainfck, Brainf** or BF.
Brainfuck is far too cumbersome and inefficient for productive use, but suitable for training software development methodology.
The command set consists of eight commands encoded with the characters > < + - , . [ ]
are encoded.
Trivial substitutes
Trivial brainfuck substitution – Esolang (
Due to the simplicity of the command, variants have been developed over the years, differing only in the naming of the commands. For example:
BF | Ook | PikaLang | Roadrunner | Morsefuck |
> | Ook. Ook? | pipi | meeP | .– |
< | Ook? Ook. | pichu | Meep | –. |
+ | Ook. Ook. | pi | mEEp | ..- |
– | Ook! Ook! | ka | MeeP | -.. |
. | Ook! Ook. | pikachu | MEEP | -.- |
, | Ook. Ook! | pikapi | meep | .-. |
[ | Ook! Ook? | pika | mEEP | — |
] | Ook? Ook! | chu | MEEp | … |
The GC Wizard knows the following substitutes:
- Alphuk
- Btjzxgquartfrqifjlv
- BinaryFuck
- Blub
- Colonoscopy
- DetailedFuckk
- fuckbeEs
- Fluffle Puff
- German
- K-on Fuck
- Morsefuck
- Nak
- Omam
- PenisScript
- Pikalang
- ReverseFuck
- Revolution 9
- Roadrunner
- Scremcode
- Ternary
- Triplet
- UwU