The tool is used to display Mayan day numbers graphically or in the different calendar systems. Additionally, the day number is converted to a Julian date or to the date of the Gregorian or Julian calendar. For this conversion a correlation number is required, which must be defined in the settings. The correlation numbers of Thompson, Smiley and Weitzel are available as options. The default is Thompson.
The input is the numerical value of the Long Count.
The output is
- the graphical representation
- the Mayan date in the Long Count, Tzolkin and Haab calendar systems
- the corresponding Julian date
- the corresponding date in the Gregorian and Julian calendars
The input is a graphical representation of the Long Count.
The output is
- the numerical value of the Long Count.
- the Mayan date in the Long Count, Tzolkin and Haab calendar systems
- the corresponding Julian date
- the corresponding date in the Gregorian and Julian calendars