The function lists different mathematical constants with their symbol and value.
Currently GC Wizard knows the following mathematical constants:
- Apéry constant
- Archimedes constant
- Brun’s constant for prime twins
- Conway constant
- The answer to the question about life, the universe and all the rest
- Unit number
- One
- Erdös-Borwein constant
- First Feigenbaum constant
- Euler-Mascheroni constant
- Euler’s constant
- Euler’s number
- Golden Section
- Imaginary number
- Circular number
- Laplace limit
- Legendre constant
- Lemniskatic constant
- Ludolph number
- Minimum Pisot number
- Napier’s constant
- Zero
- Phi
- Pi
- Plastic number
- Platinum number
- Porter constant
- Prime twin constant
- Pythagorean constant
- Ramanujan-Soldner constant
- Reciprocal Fibonacci constant
- Sheldon prime number
- Siegel number
- Silver section
- Theodorus constant
- Universal parabolic constant
- Second Feigenbaum constant
- e
- √2
- √3
- √5