This section provides a set of symbol tables for encoding and decoding texts and numbers.
Currently provided are
- Ancient Egyptian Numbers
- Arabic-Indian Numbers
- Babylonian Numbers
- Base16
- Bibibinary
- Brahmi
- Chinese Numbers
- Cistercian Numbers
- Devanagari numbers from India
- East Arabic Indian Numbers
- Greek numbers
- Hexadecimal Numbers
- Hieratic Numbers
- Japanese Numbers
- Kaktovik Numbers
- Mayan number system
- Maya Numbers as glyphs/symbols
- Shadoks Numbers
- Tamil Numbers
Writings and Languages
- Adlam / Fulani
- Al Bhed
- Alien Mushrooms
- Alphabetum arabum
- Alphabetum egiptiorum
- Alphabetum gothicum
- Ancient Egyptien Hieroglyphs
- Angerthas/Cirth runes – book “The Lord of the Rings”
- Ancient – TV series “Stargate”
- Arcadian – video game “Skies of Arkadia”
- Ath
- Atlantean
- Aurebash – movie “Star Wars”
- Berber
- Birds on a wire
- Birkenbihl
- Blox
- Braille
- Braille (6 dots: de, en fr)
- Braille (8 dots: Euro/Computer)
- CCITT-Codes
- Cherokee
- Clocks
- Cosmic
- Crystal Language – My little Pony
- Cyrillic
- D’ni
- Deadric – video game “The Elder scrolls”
- Dagger
- Dancing Men – book “Sherlock Holmes”
- Dinotopia
- Doop – Marvel universe
- Dragon runes – game
- Dragonlords
- Dragon language – video game “The Elder scrolls: Skyrim”
- Elia – alternative to Braille
- Enochian Alphabet
- Eternity Code
- European Voynich Alphabet
- Face it
- Fakoo – alternative to Braille
- Fantastic
- Finger alphabet
- Flag alphabet
- International
- German Navy
- Royal Navy – Popham, Marryat
- Fonic – video game “Tales of the Abyss”
- Futurama
- Gallifreyan – TV series “Doctor Who”
- Gargish – Video game “Ultima Online”
- Genreich
- Gerudo – Zelda
- Glagolithic
- Gnommish – Book “Artemis Fowl”
- Hanja
- Hangul
- Hebrew
- Hobbit runes – book “The Hobbit”
- Hylian – video game “The Legend of Zelda”
- Hylian – video game “Skyward Sword”
- Hylian – video game “The Wind Waker”
- Hylian – video game “Twiligth Princess”
- Hymnos – video game “Ar Tonelico”
- Interlac
- Iokharic dragon runes – game “Dungeons & Dragons”
- Klingon – movie “Star Trek”
- Kryptonian – Movie “Superman”
- Kurrent
- Linear B
- Magicode
- Malachim
- Mando’a – movie “Star wars”
- Marain – Book “The Culture”
- Mataoran – LEGO Bionicle
- Minimoys – Fim “Artur and the Minimoys”
- Moon – alternative for the blind
- Nazcaän – video game “Ni no kuni”
- Ninjargon
- Ogham/Ogam
- Phoenician
- Plejadian
- Pokemon
- Predator
- Prosyl
- Quadoo – alternative for blind
- Ravkan – Netflix series “Shadows & Bones”
- Reality
- Romulan – movie “Start Trek”
- Runes
- Futhark, old
- Futhark, younger
- Futhark, medieval
- Futhork
- Sarati – book “The Lord of the Rings”
- Sheikah – Zelda
- Sprykski
- Sunuz – game “Tekumel
- Sütterlin
- Tenctonese – TV series “Alien Nation”
- Tengwar – book “The Lord of the Rings”
- Terzi – alternative for Braille
- Theban/witch alphabet
- Tifinagh
- ULOG – game “Dark Horizon
- Unitology – 2D roleplaying game “Dead Space”
- Utopian – book “Utopia”
- Visitor – TV series “V – The Visitors”
- Wakandan – movie “Black Pantherlico”
- Winkeraplhabet/Semaphore
- Yan-Koyani – Game “Tekumel”
- Zentradi – TV series “Robotech”
Sign Languages
- Australian
- British
- Deafblind
- Sign language
- Lormen
- Niessen
- New Zealand
- Barber
- Barcode 39
- Baudot code
- Blue Monday Code
- Card code
- Chain of Death – Direction
- Chain of Death – Pairs
- ColorAdd
- Colors
- Color-Honey
- Color-Tokki
- Cooke and Wheatstone (1, 2, 5 needles)
- Covenant
- Dorabella
- Fiber optic cable DIN/IEC 60304
- Fiber optic cable FOTAG
- Fiber optic cable SwissCom
- Flags of Nations
- Freemason
- Geovlog
- Hexahue
- I Ching
- Ice Codes
- Illuminati
- Intergalactic Code
- KarTrak ACI
- Maze
- Murray-Baudot code
- Morse Code
- Original Code 1838
- American Morse, Vail, 1844
- International Morse
- Gerke
- Steinheil
- Notation system
- Nyctography
- Oak Island Code
- PLANET code, US Post Office
- POST code, US Post Office
- POST code, German Post Office, 4 Bits
- POST code, German Post Office, 5 Bits
- Prussian Army Colorcode
- Resistance color code
- Robots
- San Luca
- Slash and Pipe
- Solmization
- Telegraph codes, optic/electric
- Chappe (1794, 1809, Variante 1, 2, 3)
- Flap Code, Murray – different Versions
- Pasley Telegraph
- Popham Telegraph
- Prussian optical Telegraph
- Steinheil Telegraph Code
- Templar
- TomTom code
- Zodiac Killer Z340
- Zodiac Killer Z403
Other Symbols
- Alchemy
- Ballet
- Billard balls
- Christmas Symbols
- Color code
- Country Flags
- Eurythmy – anthroposophical art of movement
- Geocache Attributes (ID-Number, meaning)
- German Telecommunications Connection Unit
- Hazard symbols
- Ice Lolly
- ISO 7010
- Fire safety signs
- Mandatory signs
- Escape signs
- Prohibition signs
- Warning signs
- Maya Calender
- Moon phases
- Musica
- Note names
- Note values
- Pipeline 3D
- Pipeline Color Code
- Pixel
- Planets and celestial bodies
- Puzzle code
- ProSyl
- Red Herring
- Road Signes (Germany)
- Rhesus A, B, C1, C2 – Inkblots
- Shoes
- Skulls
- Space Invaders
- Spintype
- Stenography
- Stippelcode
- Surf riders
- Traffic signs
- Weather (A, C, CL, CM, CN, N, W, WW)
- Webdings
- Wind speed in knots
- Wind force in Beaufort
- Window
- Wingdings
- Zodiac signs
- (rogue) prong