GC Wizard is able to analyze WAV Files and draw their Waveforms.
After loading a WAV File
- the WAV file can be played
- the Waveform is calculated and displayed
- the settings for the Wavform calculation can be adjusted
- identified Morse code is displayed – if applicable
- decoded text from identified Morse code is displayed – if applicable
- the structure/data is provided in several subsections
- RIFF Header
- Format section
- Data section
- Meta Data section – if applicable
- ID3 Tag section – if applicable
- this file can be viewed in an Hex Viewer
Adjusting the settings
Amplitude: Blocksize
Adjust the blocksize – the number of amplitude values – which were aligned to reduce the visual representation.
Amplitude: Volume
Adjust the level from wich a signal is identified as 1 or 0.
Image: Pointsize
Adjust the pointsize for drawing the Waveform.
Image: Scalefactor
How large should the image be stretched horzontically.
Morse: Tolerance
Adjust the identification of the
- length of dit and dah
- length of the different gaps between Morse symbols, Morse letters and Morse words.
Necessary sections in a WAV File
RIFF Header
The RIFF Header is the first part of a WAV File providing general information about the file.
These are the size of the file and the sub type.
Format section
The Format section or chunk provides information about the format of the WAV File – Sample rate, Data rate, length of sample, number of channels (Mono/Stereo, 5.1/ etc.)
Data section
The Data section or chunk contains the uncompressed PCM Data including the information about the size.
The duration is calculated according to Data rate an size.
Optional Sections in a WAV File
Meta Data section
Not necessary – but a WAV File can also contain further information about the artist etc.
ID3 Tag section
A WAV File can alslo contain ID3 Tags which are displayed in this section.